Foreign partners

Nedap is a world’s leader in sphere of manufacture of security systems for trade enterprises. Nowadays the company is № 1 in the world of security systems for retail and also developing equipment of access control and RFID-solutions for logistic, medicine and agriculture. Equipment is created on the basis of digital radiofrequency technologies.

Sensormatic Solutions
Sensormatic Solutions is a multi-profile international company registered in Switzerland, with United States operational headquarters in Princeton, New Jersey. Tyco owns 93% of the United States market of security systems for retail trade.
Its major products - antitheft systems Sensormatic, IP-cameras and video surveillance systems, IP- video servers, video recorders, switches, devices for transmission and processing of video, digital video recorders, RFID equipment, antitheft sensors, labels and so on.
Sensormatic antitheft systems are perfect for the protection of the entrance groups of pharmaceutical and perfume shops, but are also widely used in all retail segments.
Its major products - antitheft systems Sensormatic, IP-cameras and video surveillance systems, IP- video servers, video recorders, switches, devices for transmission and processing of video, digital video recorders, RFID equipment, antitheft sensors, labels and so on.
Sensormatic antitheft systems are perfect for the protection of the entrance groups of pharmaceutical and perfume shops, but are also widely used in all retail segments.

The corporation was created in USA in 1994 in the sphere of anti-theft systems. The company is specializing exclusively at projecting, installation and technical supporting of security systems. Xpondr is creating invisible anti-theft systems.

Vanguard Protex Global (VPG)
Vanguard Protex Global (VPG) is the leader of protection in open digital of electronics, computers and household appliances, clothing etc. at the world market. VPG was the first company, which supplied protection equipment for goods at open digital to Russia.

IRISYS is the company, which has leading position in the sphere of thermal imaging, people counting systems and solutions for managing the electronic queue at real time.

HELLA is exist more than one hundred years and nowadays it is one of the leaders in manufacturing of equipment the area of lighting and electronics for the automotive industry and other spheres of business.

EXAQTWORLD is French group of companies which develops, manufactures and sails innovative technological solutions for the retail. Sensors Dural Tag – is exclusive development by Exaqtworld, which is don’t have any analogues at market.

Honeywell Security Group
«Honeywell Security Group» is the world's leading developer and manufacturer of access control systems, security alarm system and video surveillance, and also integrated solutions for security of commercial and residential buildings.
Carefully researched the need of corporate clients and individual consumers, the company Honeywell has developed a wide range of security solutions. All systems are multi-functional, convenience, reliable and cost effective.
Carefully researched the need of corporate clients and individual consumers, the company Honeywell has developed a wide range of security solutions. All systems are multi-functional, convenience, reliable and cost effective.