About Us

The group of companies ElementStore was founded in 2001. Today it joints 4 commercial and industrial, 2 production and 2 consulting companies, with a total number of employees over 350 people.

We work in Russia (10 offices), Kazakhstan (2 offices), Belarus (1 office), Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan (1 office).

Our professionalism and working culture in the field of projection and installation of engineering systems are confirmed with trust of such companies as: ADT, Honeywell, BOSCH, Nedap, Panasonic, Samsung, ITV, Irisys, Hella and others.

Today the group of companies ElementStore has already successfully realized over 30 000 projects in more than 80 cities of Russia and CIS.

    • Since 2001 ElementStore also works in the market of engineering systems and specializes in projection, supply, installation and service of engineering systems. The skills and experience of our experts are confirmed by certificates and attestations. All offered products passed tests and was certificated by Gosstandart of Russia, got certificates of The National Standards Authority of the European countries, the USA and Japan.
      Internal engineering systems:

      • low-current systems;
      • heating and ventilation systems;
      • conditioning and cold supply systems;
      • heat supply systems;
      • water supply and sewerage systems;
      • automatic fire extinguishing systems;
      • systems of power supply and electric lighting;
      • electro-automatic systems.
      Low-current systems:
      • video surveillance systems;
      • access control systems;
      • intercom systems;
      • security fire alarm systems;
      • audio broadcasting systems;
      • parking management systems;
      • multimedia systems
      Elevating systems:
      • escalators;
      • lifts;
      • travolators.
      Thanks to the quality products and professionalism of employees, the Element Store company deserved reputation of the authoritative and reliable partner. Our professionalism is confirmed by the trust of such companies as: Honeywell, BOSCH, Nedap, Panasonic, Samsung, ITV and others. Today market trends show, that our customers’ requirements are increasingly focused on the systems of hi-end class. The main priority of our company is the reliability of delivered systems and quality of services provided.

    • The Element Store company specializes in protection of entrance groups and safety of the goods at trading enterprises. Cooperating with such world leaders in antitheft systems developing as Nedap, Sensormatic (ADT Tyco), Vanguard Protex Global (VPG), we guarantee unique and innovative solution for each object.

      The assortment of the antitheft equipment, which we propose, is presented by two main technologies:

      • radio-frequency technology (8,2 MHz);
      • acoustomagnetic technology (58 kHz).

      The choice of antitheft system depends on a number of store’s parameters:

      • plan of a trading hall,
      • assortment of goods in the store,
      • width of entrance group,
      • design and decoration,
      • customer’s wishes

      Antitheft equipment VPG provides fixing of special sensor on the products, which is connected by a wire with the command module. And in attempt of an unauthorized detachment of this sensor from an object, the system submits an alarm signal. Antitheft systems can be installed everywhere where it is necessary: in shopping centers, showrooms or small shops.

      Modern developments are applied in all market segments, providing not only protection of a various range of products:

      • computer equipment,
      • audio and video systems,
      • printing products,
      • mobile phones
      • tablets
      • watches etc.,

      but also power supply supporting. VPG systems guarantee safe open display and allow developing the unique merchandising solutions. Antitheft equipment of the ElementStore meets all quality standards and provides reliable protection from thefts.

    • People counting systems — are the essential tool of effective management of trade enterprise in the modern world.

      People counting systems allow:

      • to plan and assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns,
      • to optimize the employees’ work schedule and to motivate them,
      • to increase the merchandising efficiency,
      • to calculate the conversion rate.

      Element Store offers:

      • infrared counters built in antitheft system by the Nedap company (Holland),
      • infrared counters by SensMax (Latvia),
      • thermal counters by Irisys (England),
      • innovative 3D counters by the German manufacturer Hella (Germany).

      All statistics, presented in graphics, is stored in the customer server, where at any time you can get accurate information about store traffic, business profitability and effectiveness of marketing activities.

    • RFID in retail allows:

      • To improve the availability of goods on the shelves
      • To increase customer loyalty
      • To optimize the work of staff
      • To control the whole logistics chain
      • To organize lost prevention
      • To use the data for planning and optimization
      Most of these functions can be realized by atomization of inventory proses. Element Store Company offers comprehensive solution for the automating inventory based on RFID technology. Inventory using manual RFID-reader is 25 times faster than the bar-code reading, so this procedure can be carried out often without attracting contractors or additional staff.

    • Element Store Company independently supply and service of antitheft equipment of Nedap, Sensormatic, CrossPoint, CheckPoint, GateWay, Detex Line, Xpondr, ensuring efficiency and quality of work.

      Our possibilities:

      • Response within 24 hours
      • Free system diagnosis
      • Multidisciplinary of service thanks to the qualified engineers
      • Rent of antitheft systems start with 3 months
      • The cost of old system is included when you are buying NEW EQUIPMENT
      • Individual plan of service: Single • Prophylactic • Annual

Professionalism and advanced growth rates of Element Store are highly appreciated by the members of the National Trade Association.


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