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Top 7 main reasons why retailers use RFID today, and why RFID is the key to staying ahead in the retail industry

RFID improves accessibility of goods on the shelves
To keep the client and to be sure that he will come back to your store, you need to create all the conditions, so that the visitor could find all necessary items on the shelves. Using RFID technology will allow you always to be aware of what items you need to add to the store shelves.

RFID makes omnichannel retail possible
RFID provides the basis for omnichannel retail, giving retailers the best possible of inventory accuracy. RFID technology can be used to track goods in all department stores and distribution centers and to provide retailers with accurate data about any product, its location and status.
RFID can clearly demonstrate the difference between a running omnichannel retail program and managing just benefit.

RFID allows to optimize staff
Inventory with manual RFID-reader is 25 times faster than the reading of the bar code, so this procedure can be carried out often without involving contractors as one of the store main activities. Additionally, RFID inventory can handle data more accurately and reduces the staff time for searching products that are no longer in the store.
The benefits from the implementation of RFID inventory are quite considerable:
- - Increasing of sales is up to 15%;
- - It reduces labor costs for inventory to hundreds of hours per month;
- - The accuracy of inventory data is 98-99%.

RFID provides accurate data for planning and optimization
Many retailers use POS-data to browse trends in sales and to determine the popularity of the products, and then leaning on these data adapt their business strategy. However, the problem here is that the POS-data is a weak analytic tool, if you do not have a good review of operational activities.
Instead of wondering why some products are sold out and others are not, it is possible to carry out a RFID inventory, which provides visibility of the location and quantity of products during all time.
With RFID a manager can analyze product sales, together with trading operations in order to understand the reasons for changing trends in retail sales.
Some retailers are already starting to use trolleys and baskets with RFID to track the flow of visitors and see what kind of price tags and products generate the greatest interest, draw more attention and are sold out faster.

RFID prevents the loss and theft
RFID complements traditional security technologies. The level of marking increases the visibility of goods in the store, significantly reducing the degree of loss, making the process much easier to detect theft.
RFID is also used for more reliable security, including zone control and situational awareness. Silent alarm can be raised when an expensive item is in motion and electronics products may be broken, as long as they pass through the corresponding stage of the sales process.
With the implementation of RFID it becomes available to index and search the security videos.

RFID improves the perception of clients
RFID solution can be used to improve the impression on shopping for customers. For example, many retailers use RFID-displays, which provide customers with information about any product, they have chosen. Other retailers use RFID loyalty cards for customers and offer personal rewards.
Even without these additional capabilities of RFID, basic RFID application improves the accuracy of inventory and the impression of visitors.

RFID improves monitoring of a supply chain
With RFID any manager can monitor the location of products from the point where they were received until the sale point. Because managers got the ability to see the goods’ ways in the store, now they can streamline trading operations through making staff responsible for key functions such as:
- Accurate and timely restocking;
- Correct positioning of products on the shelves;
As a result of the improved review of the supply chain, the retailer gets the opportunity to learn how to invest the smallest capital and resources at every stage of the sale.