Using RFID technology allows organizing "smart retail" of new level.
RFID technology and its application have been discussed by all advanced Internet users, however, we don't see the widespread use of RFID on the Russian market.
However, according to analysts, by the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016 the number of RFID solutions is expected to grow in the global market in general and on the local market in particular. This rapid growth is expected due to implementation of RFID in retailing.
Fashion industry of all retail segments shows the greatest interest to RFID, possible applications of RFID technology in clothing and shoe stores are significantly expanding. Using RFID-tags, retailers can control the transport and warehouse logistics from production to sales point; to speed up hundreds of times and simplify the inventory process; to offer customers to use the so-called "smart" mirrors and "smart" changing rooms, which help users to get detailed information on this product, to share photos in social networks without leaving store, and even to act as "image-maker", offering related products to selected things. RFID-tag also acts as anti-theft feature that allows you to reduce costs of purchasing additional supplies.
In print media, on different portals and in general on the open spaces of "World Wide Web" it’s easy to find references to the concept of "store of the future" using such words as "smart" trolley, "smart" shelf, terminals to pay for purchases, and other comfortable shopping solutions. The basis of all solutions is also RFID technology. It is important to note that, despite the undisputed importance of an end user, the use of RFID technology is first of all convenient for retailers themselves, because of reducing the amount of manual labor and improving the inventory accuracy. Based on analysts’ researches, it can be safely stated, that the average retail loses 10-15% of its profit because some goods, listed in the database, are in fact not available in the store.
In conclusion I’d like to say, that RFID in retail changes the usual sight of customers on a process of shopping, and retailers - on the processes, but as they say, you get used to the good.